Better Security Management cyber security and pentesting

Kingsfordweg 151 Amsterdam

The Netherlands

+31 (0)20 8203693




Kingsfordweg 151 Amsterdam

The Netherlands

+31 (0)20 8203693

Quality mark data secure

The seal of approval that shows you have a secure website and database

Companies with the quality mark ‘Data secure’ show that they have secure websites and databases.
BSM provides the “Data-Safe Quality Mark” to companies with demonstrably secure web sites and databases. You may use this label if you have your web environment regularly checked by us for security leaks and vulnerabilities.

Unique to our approach is that we not only scan the website from the outside, as most of our colleagues do. For our certification, the back-end of the website also needs to be in order. Only when your website and the linked database(s) are scanned from the outside and checked from the inside by a CISSP certified auditor, you know that your confidential business data and privacy-sensitive data on a web server are safely stored and securely processed.

Do you need the quality mark?

For more information, call: +31(0)20-8203693

The security mark for demonstrably safe websites and databases

Research shows that with demonstrably secure websites, the browse-to-buy ratio can increase significantly. Consumers do not like leaving their personal data on websites they do not fully trust. With the Data secure Quality Mark you show that you have secured your website and databases and are doing everything possible to comply with security requirements.

The conditions:

You may display the Data secure label on your website if you comply with the following conditions:


  • You have received written permission from BSM to place the Seal of Approval.
  • Quality mark data secure bsm rr

    You have your website and underlying structure tested periodically. The frequency of the tests depends on the risk analysis and the number of visitors. The minimum interval is once a year. 

  • Your website will contain a direct link to this Data Secure Quality Mark page.

  • For third parties there is a possibility to validate the trustmark. When the company name and the url on which the trustmark is shown are emailed to with a request for validation BSM will let the third party know if the trustmark is indeed valid.

Do you want to know more about BSM’s security measures or the quality mark? We would be pleased to hear from you if you have any questions. Contact us.